FOSCR is happy to announce that we are in the early stages of creating our very own “Adopt-A-River Program”. After talking with people running similar programs around the country, we are ready to define a program to fit our region — and consult with our many partners for guidance and suggestions.
Under the guidance and direction of Friends of the Santa Cruz River (FOSCR), a 501.c.3 non-profit organization, we are looking forward to an environmental stewardship program matching volunteers to designated portions along the banks of the Santa Cruz River (and its tributaries) for environmental stewardship.
The acronym “REACH” arises naturally from these 4 foundational precepts:
Near term steps ahead for our REACH program:
- Map and clarify accessibility potential to the river-bank.
- Develop collaborative relationships with river-bank landowners.
- Create guidelines for our volunteer stewardship groups.
- Resolving insurance issues.